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We are excited to have Owen Lingley (Co-Owner at Imperial Yeast in Portland, OR) join our Zoom Meeting on Friday, November 20.  The schedule for the evening will be as follows:

6:30 – Social Time
7:00 – Club Business
7:30 – DIY Corner: Controlling Ferment Temps (Dann Searcy)
7:45 – Short Break
8:00 – Owen Lingley presenting on Yeast Health and Handling Practices (with Q&A to follow)

Following Owen’s presentation, we will have time for a Q&A session.  If you have any questions, you can submit them in advance at the following link (but there will also be a chat available for any new questions that you have during the event):

As reflected in the schedule above, Dann Searcy will be featured in the DIY Corner to discuss the design and construction of his fermentation chamber.  Dann has often noted that the quality of his brewing (as evidenced by his high percentage of success in competitions) made great strides after he began controlling his fermentation temperatures more precisely.  Let’s hear what he has to say on this important subject!

ZOOM Information is provided below:
Topic: KCBM November 2020 Meeting
Time: Nov 20, 2020 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 0703 1465
Passcode: 764096

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