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We are excited to have Seth Klann (Owner, Maltster, Grower and Brewer at Mecca Grade Estate Malt in Madras, Oregon) join our Zoom Meeting on Friday, August 21.  The schedule for the evening will be as follows:

7:00 – Social Time
7:30 – Club Business
8:00 – Commercial Calibration (Duvel)
8:15 – Break (time to refill beer!)
8:30 – Seth Klann presenting Home Malting for the Homebrewer

As noted above, we plan to have a Commercial Calibration with Duvel (classic example of BJCP Category 25C – Belgian Golden Strong Ale).  Please plan ahead and get yourself some Duvel to taste along with us!!

ZOOM Information is provided below:
Time: Aug 21, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 819 6793 8207
Passcode: 941198
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